Automated MaxDiff Analysis & Survey Tool

Discover the value consumers place on each of your product’s features

Why Use MaxDiff Analysis?

Why Use MaxDiff Analysis?

You might assume all of your product’s features are valued equally, but consumers often have strong conscious (and unconscious) preferences. MaxDiff analysis is used to measure the relative importance of each of your product’s attributes, allowing you to optimize your products and messaging.

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Benefits of Using Automated MaxDiff Analysis

Develop Stronger Products

Develop Stronger Products

Understand the features your customers care about most to design optimal offerings.

Optimize Your Messaging

Optimize Your Messaging

Discover the messaging and product claims that resonate most with your target market.

Discover High-Potential Audiences

Discover High-Potential Audiences

Identify clusters of consumers with similar preferences and purchase intent scores.

Use SightX’s Automated MaxDiff Analysis To…

Evaluate Product Features

Evaluate Product Features

Test Product Messaging & Claims

Test Product Messaging & Claims

Identify Ideal Market Segments

Identify Ideal Market Segments

And so much more…

SightX Automated MaxDiff Analysis & Survey Tool

MaxDiff Made Simple

Just specify your product attributes test and let the platform design a balanced experiment that minimizes bias.

Advanced Automated Analysis

The SightX platform puts a wide range of advanced automated capabilities right at your fingertips. Let our A.I. and machine learning powered platform so you can focus on what matters most: discovering key insights and gaining your competitive edge.

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SightX Automated MaxDiff Analysis & Survey Tool