TURF Analysis Software

Reveal powerful sentiments about your brand and products

What is TURF Analysis?

What is TURF Analysis?

TURF analysis is used in market research to find an optimal mix of offerings (like products, features, or messaging claims) that appeal to the maximum number of people in the most efficient and cost-effective way. TURF is widely used to analyze questions where respondents select options they prefer from a set. Using that data, it examines combinations of products, features, or messages to find the one with the highest unduplicated reach.

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Benefits of TURF Analysis

Expand Your Reach

Expand Your Reach

Avoid redundancies in your products and marketing to attract the biggest audience and grow your customer base.

Optimize Your Product Features & Lineup

Optimize Your Product Features & Lineup

Uncover the perfect mix of features that appeal to the largest group of consumers, avoiding overlap.

Perfect Your Messaging

Perfect Your Messaging

Discover the mix of claims and messaging styles that appeal to the largest audience.

SightX’s TURF Analysis can help you with…

Service & Product Feature Optimization

Service & Product Feature Optimization

Messaging & Claims

Messaging & Claims

Brand Portfolio & Product Line Planning

Brand Portfolio & Product Line Planning

And so much more…

TURF Analysis with SightX

Unique Technology

While some platforms take an approximate approach, the SightX platform uses linear programming to assess EVERY possible combination to find optimal solutions without approximations.

Advanced Automated Analysis

The SightX platform puts a wide range of advanced automated capabilities right at your fingertips. Let AI and machine learning do the heavy lifting so you can focus on what matters most: discovering key insights and gaining your competitive edge.

TURF Analysis with SightX