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Tips for Running a Successful Brand Tracking Study

Naira Musallam, PhD • 3 Jul 2024

Today, we'll explore the importance of brand tracking studies, how to run them effectively, and how to use the data to refine your brand strategy.


What are Brand Tracking Studies? And Why Would I Run One?

Brand tracking studies are periodic or continuous surveys that measure the health of a brand over time. These studies collect data on various metrics, like brand awareness, perception, loyalty, and overall brand health. The primary goal is to understand how your brand performs in the market and how your customers perceive it compared to competitors.


Why Run a Brand Tracking Study?

green checkmark bullet point. Measure Brand Health

Track key metrics that indicate the overall health of your brand. This includes awareness and deeper insights into how well your brand is resonating with your audience.


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Understand Customer Perception

Gain insights into how customers perceive your brand and identify areas for improvement. Understanding the emotional and rational connections customers have with your brand is crucial for long-term success.


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Monitor Market Trends

Stay informed about market trends and how they impact your brand. This allows you to anticipate changes in the market and adapt your strategies accordingly.


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Improve Marketing Strategy

Use data to refine and enhance your marketing and branding strategies. With a clear understanding of brand performance, you can optimize your marketing efforts to drive better results.


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Stay Competitive

Keep an eye on competitor performance and adjust your strategies to maintain a competitive edge. Knowing where your brand stands compared to competitors helps you identify opportunities and threats in the market.


How to Run a Brand Tracking Study

Running an effective brand tracking study involves several steps to ensure you gather accurate and actionable data.


Set Goals for your Brand Tracker

Define clear and measurable goals for your brand tracking study. What specific aspects of your brand do you want to monitor? Common goals include measuring brand awareness, understanding customer loyalty, and tracking brand perception. Having well-defined goals helps guide the development of your study and ensures you collect relevant data.


Select Your Audience

Identify your target audience for the study. This should include current customers, potential customers, and even those who are aware of your brand but have not yet made a purchase. Ensure your sample is representative of your broader market. It's also important to segment your audience based on demographics, behaviors, and other relevant factors to gain more nuanced insights.


Develop Your Brand Tracking Strategy

Create a detailed plan for your brand tracking study. This includes:

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Writing Questions: Develop a set of questions that will help you measure the key metrics related to your brand's health. Ensure your questions are clear, unbiased, and relevant to your goals.


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Setting Cadence: Decide how often you will conduct the survey. Monthly, quarterly, and bi-annual surveys are common frequencies. The cadence you choose should balance the need for up-to-date data with the potential for respondent fatigue.


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Choosing Survey Method: Select the appropriate survey method (e.g., online surveys, telephone interviews) based on your audience and goals. Online surveys are often more cost-effective and can reach a larger audience, but telephone interviews may provide deeper insights.


Start Monitoring

Once your strategy is in place, start collecting data. Use consistent methods and questions to ensure the data is comparable over time. It's important to have a robust data collection system in place to manage the responses effectively and ensure data quality.


Track Metrics Over Time for Brand Insights

Monitor the data over time to identify trends and changes in key metrics. Look for patterns that indicate shifts in brand perception, awareness, and loyalty. Consistent tracking lets you understand how your brand's performance evolves and what factors influence these changes.


Tips for Running Your Own Brand Tracker

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Be Consistent: Use the same questions and methods across all survey waves to ensure data consistency and reliability. Consistency is key to accurately tracking changes over time.

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Segment Your Data: Break down your data by different segments (e.g., demographics, customer vs. non-customer) to gain deeper insights. Segmentation helps you understand how different groups perceive your brand and tailor your strategies accordingly.

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Benchmark Against Competitors: Compare your brand's performance with your competitors to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. Competitive benchmarking provides context for your brand's performance.

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Act on Insights: Use the insights gained from your study to make informed decisions and adjustments to your branding and marketing strategies. Implement changes based on data-driven insights to improve brand health.

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Keep it Simple: Avoid overcomplicating the survey. Focus on the most critical metrics to keep respondents engaged and ensure high-quality data. A concise survey is more likely to be completed and provide reliable insights.

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Engage Your Team: Involve your marketing, sales, and product teams. Their input can help refine your survey and ensure it aligns with broader business objectives.

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Regularly Review and Update: Periodically review your brand tracking strategy and update it as needed to reflect changes in your market or business goals. Keeping your study relevant ensures it continues to provide valuable insights.

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Use Technology: Leverage advanced survey tools and analytics platforms to streamline data collection and analysis. Technology can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of your brand tracking efforts.

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Consider Qualitative Insights: Supplement your quantitative data with qualitative insights through focus groups or in-depth interviews. These insights can provide context and depth to your survey findings.

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Communicate Results: Share the findings with relevant stakeholders in your organization. Clear communication ensures that insights are understood and acted upon effectively.


How to Use Brand Tracking Data

The data collected from a brand tracking study can be incredibly valuable if used effectively.


Assess Your Brand Health

Regularly monitor key metrics to assess the overall health of your brand. Look for any significant changes that might indicate issues or opportunities for growth. Brand awareness, perception, and loyalty are critical brand health indicators.


Improve Key Brand Metrics Like Loyalty or Awareness

Identify areas where your brand is underperforming and develop strategies to improve these metrics. For example, consider increasing your marketing efforts or revising your messaging if brand awareness is low. Understanding the drivers of loyalty can help you develop programs that enhance customer retention and satisfaction.


Adjust and Perfect Your Branding

Use the insights from your brand tracking study to refine your branding. This could involve adjusting your brand's positioning, improving customer service, or developing new marketing campaigns that better resonate with your audience. Continuous improvement based on data-driven insights helps keep your brand relevant and competitive.


The Drawbacks of Brand Tracking

While brand tracking studies offer numerous benefits, there are also some drawbacks to consider:

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Cost: Continuous brand tracking can be expensive, especially for smaller businesses. It's important to balance the need for regular data with budget constraints.

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Time-Consuming: Setting up and maintaining a brand tracking study requires significant time and resources. Ensure you have the necessary resources and commitment to sustain the study over time.

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Data Overload: Managing and analyzing large amounts of data can be challenging and may require specialized skills and tools. Investing in the right tools and expertise is crucial for effective data management.

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Survey Fatigue: Frequent surveys can lead to respondent fatigue, which can impact the quality and reliability of the data collected. To mitigate this, consider varying the survey frequency and ensuring that surveys are engaging and relevant.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of brand tracking often outweigh the drawbacks, providing valuable insights that can drive strategic decisions and enhance brand performance.


Brand Tracking with SightX

Brand tracking studies are a powerful tool for understanding and improving your brand's health. By setting clear goals, selecting the right audience, and using the data effectively, you can ensure your brand remains competitive and resonates with your target audience. Embrace these tips to run a successful brand tracking study and take your brand to new heights.

By infusing the power of generative AI with advanced brand tracking survey tools, SightX makes brand research a breeze. 

Green checkmark bullet pointCreate a fully customized survey, study, or experiment with a prompt.
Green checkmark bullet pointCollect data from your target audience.
Green checkmark bullet pointReceive fully analyzed and summarized results in seconds, revealing key insights and personalized recommendations.

Let us show you how simple it can be to collect powerful brand insights. 


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Naira Musallam, PhD

Naira Musallam, PhD

Naira the co-founder of SightX and our in-house expert for all things research, statistics, and psychology. She received her doctorate from Columbia University, and served as faculty at both Columbia and NYU. She has over 15 years of experience in data analysis and research across multiple sectors in various industries.

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