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28 Prompts You Can Use with Ada for Better Studies & Deeper Insights

SightX Team • 5 Jul 2024

Using clear and direct prompts can make all the difference when working with Generative AI tools. Why? 

Maybe you're familiar with the acronym GIGO? It stands for Garbage In, Garbage Out.

The acronym dates back to the late 1950s when US Army Specialist William Mellin explained that computers could not truly think for themselves, which meant that "sloppily programmed" inputs would lead to sloppy and/or incorrect outputs.  

Despite our advancements, this statement is as true today as it was back then. Especially when it comes to generative AI tools. 

Our Generative AI research consultant, Ada, is adept at creating custom projects and converting complex data into clear insights, but effective communication is critical for optimal results. Today, we're sharing powerful prompts you can use with Ada to create studies, uncover insights in your data, and get personalized recommendations for your goals. 


What are Prompts? And How Are They Used? 

While some of you may already be familiar with prompts, let's quickly cover the subject before we move on. 

Prompts are simply the instructions you give generative AI to produce an output. But prompts aren't just about asking your question or sharing your needs. When working with AI market research tools like Ada, a well-written prompt will include contextual details about your business, goals, or the challenges you are facing. 

When packaged together, this information allows generative AI tools like Ada to create tests tailored to your unique situation and pick our key insights in your analysis that she knows will be important to you.


Prompts to Use with Ada

Here are a list of the most powerful prompts you can use with Ada: 


Try giving Ada direct instructions: 

bullet point green checkmark"Can you summarize the themes found in the open text of question ___, and provide one supporting anecdote per theme?"

bullet point green checkmark"Can you help me create a survey to gather customer feedback on our new product? I'd like to get feedback on __, __, ___, and ___."

bullet point green checkmark"Help me identify key drivers of customer satisfaction and loyalty."

bullet point green checkmark"Build a TURF analysis project related to ___ to help me identify the optimal combination of dog food products to maximize reach and minimize overlap among my target audience."

bullet point green checkmark"I'm trying to explore a wide range of survey question types to measure ___. Can you build a study that contains different question and response option types for me to consider?"


Or, ask her the same questions you'd ask any market research consultant:

bullet point green checkmark"What are some effective ways to analyze survey data and extract meaningful insights?"

bullet point green checkmark"How can I use SightX to conduct market segmentation research?"

bullet point green checkmark"What are the best practices for designing a survey that yields accurate and reliable results?"

bullet point green checkmark"Can you provide tips on how to increase survey response rates?"

bullet point green checkmark"What sample size do I need to be sure my findings are statistically representative?"

bullet point green checkmark"What are some innovative survey question formats that can engage respondents?"

bullet point green checkmark"How can I use skip logic in my survey to personalize the respondent's experience?"

bullet point green checkmark"What are the key steps to follow when conducting a concept test for a new product idea?"

bullet point green checkmark"Can you explain the process of conducting a conjoint analysis using SightX?"

bullet point green checkmark"What are the benefits of using the Van Westendorp pricing model in market research?"

bullet point green checkmark"How can I use SightX to measure brand awareness and perception?"

bullet point green checkmark"What are the best practices for conducting a usability test for a website or app?"

bullet point green checkmark"Can you provide guidance on creating effective survey questions for measuring customer satisfaction?"

bullet point green checkmark"How can I use SightX to conduct a competitor analysis and gain insights into market positioning?"

 bullet point green checkmark"What are some effective ways to visualize survey data and present findings?"

bullet point green checkmark"Can you recommend strategies for conducting a successful NPS (Net Promoter Score) survey?"

bullet point green checkmark"What are the steps involved in conducting a Gabor Granger pricing study?"

bullet point green checkmark"Can you provide tips on creating an effective ad campaign based on survey insights?"

bullet point green checkmark"How can I use SightX to conduct message testing and optimize my marketing communications?"

bullet point green checkmark"What are the best practices for conducting a product evaluation survey?"

bullet point green checkmark"Can you explain the process of conducting a Max Diff experiment using SightX?"

bullet point green checkmark"What are the steps involved in creating a market segmentation survey using SightX?"

bullet point green checkmark"Can you provide guidance on creating effective survey questions for measuring brand loyalty?"


Generative AI Based Market Research with SightX

By infusing the power of generative AI with advanced ad testing tools, SightX make market research a breeze. 

Green checkmark bullet pointCreate a fully customized survey, study, or experiment with a prompt.
Green checkmark bullet pointCollect data from your target audience.
Green checkmark bullet pointReceive fully analyzed and summarized results in seconds, revealing key insights and personalized recommendations.

Let us show you how simple it can be to collect powerful insights. 


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SightX Team

SightX Team

This piece was created collaboratively with SightX's research, product, and marketing teams.

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