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Harnessing the Power of Generative AI for Text Analysis

Dr. Brad Smith • 25 Jul 2024

In market research, open-ended questions allow businesses to gain deeper insights into their consumers' thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Thanks to advancements made by Generative AI, analyzing these responses is no longer a time-consuming and challenging task.


SightX: Your Text Analysis Powerhouse

SightX is a next-generation consumer research platform that empowers businesses to understand their market better and attract more consumers. It offers a variety of tools, including surveys, experiment data, and real-time consumer insights, to help businesses understand their target audience, grow their market share, and identify unmet needs.

One of the most powerful features of SightX is its ability to analyze open-text responses. This means you can use SightX to understand what your customers say about your products, services, and brand. This information can be invaluable for improving your products and services, developing new marketing campaigns, and better understanding your customers.


SightX Text Analysis Dashboard Screenshot


In-Platform Analysis: See the Data for Yourself

SightX provides a user-friendly interface, allowing you to easily analyze your open text data. You can see the most prominent keywords and phrases, code them for sentiment, and even track the count and percentage of times each word appears.

This in-platform analysis provides a quick and easy way to assess the overall sentiment of your data and identify key themes.


Introducing Ada: Your AI Research Assistant

But SightX doesn't stop there. It also offers a powerful AI research consultant named Ada.

Ada can help you to get even more out of your open text data.

With Ada, you can ask questions like, "Ada, I'd like you to summarize the key themes found in the open-text responses and provide a supporting anecdote for each." Ada will then analyze your data and generate a report summarizing the key themes and providing supporting anecdotes, ready to be entered into your research report. This can save you many hours of tediously combing through open-ended responses from survey participants.



The Power of SightX and Ada

Together, SightX and Ada provide a powerful combination of tools that can help businesses gain deeper insights from their open-text data. With SightX, you can easily analyze your data and identify key themes. With Ada, you can get even more out of your data by asking questions and gaining insights that you might not have been able to find on your own.

If you're ready to combine the power of generative AI with advanced market research tools, we've got you covered:

bullet point green checkmarkCreate a fully customized survey or experiment with a prompt.
bullet point green checkmarkCollect data from your target audience.
bullet point green checkmarkReceive fully analyzed and summarized results in seconds, revealing key insights and personalized recommendations.

See how easy it can be to collect powerful consumer insights:


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Dr. Brad Smith

Dr. Brad Smith

Dr. Brad Smith is the Vice President of Strategy at SightX, an AI-powered consumer insights platform. He specializes in consumer markets, customer experience, and employee insights research and strategy.

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