Online Panels & Consumer Panel Research

Fast and reliable insights from across the globe

Why Use SightX Online Panels?

Why Use SightX Online Panels?

Gain direct access to over 100MM consumers worldwide. Each respondent profile is equipped with over 200 unique attributes for pre-screening criteria and precise audience targeting. We work to actively ensure you only receive high-quality data through multiple layers of rigorous cleaning, tracking, and vetting measures.

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Benefits of SightX Online Panels

Cost Effective

Cost Effective

With automated processes and hundreds of suppliers, SightX users see an average cost reduction of 50% across their research projects.

Multiple Layers of Protection

Multiple Layers of Protection

Feel the benefits of multiple authentication measures to ensure high-quality responses and reliable data quality.

Precise Audience Targeting

Precise Audience Targeting

Set quotas and target B2B or B2C respondents at any level of granularity needed.



Integrations with multiple trusted panel partners provide SightX users with access to over 100MM consumers in over 250 panels, across 100+ countries.